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Could it be compiled for Pico 4? I'd quite like to play but the game opens in window mode .

That can definitely be made to happen :)  We have an update coming soon, I'll make sure it has full Pico support!

Thanks, much appreciated!


with smooth locomotion and some 3d models even if its in the style of the  old school I  would be 100% in if its the whole doom game that would be amazing


I love this, I have a whole set of models and music coming.  The next update is overdue on our side, but I think it is going to be pretty awesome if I do say so myself!

(1 edit)

Will you add smooth locomotion?

Yes! Coming in the next update :)

Okay, Thank You

Link to the new soundtrack:  Hope you enjoy it as much as I did, trying to get the sound just right was tricky.

has how to  walk without teleport?

Make guns 3d models and you have me.

It shall be so!  I also have a request for controller turning :). Ill get them in together